SDS/2 Connect is now fully compatible with Autodesk® Revit® Structure 2013. The 2013 version of SDS/2 Connect includes engineering, productivity and search enhancements, as well as various software improvements.
SDS/2 Connect 2013 features additional connection types — including Wtee shear, channel column splice, and channel vertical brace — adding to the repertoire of existing connections the software automatically and intelligently designs.
To further increase productivity, SDS/2 Connect can now automatically apply shear loads imported from various analysis software packages and stored in the Start Reaction - Total and End Reaction - Total parameters. SDS/2 Connect has also included a new family that allows users to tag connection materials and bolts with their descriptions.
SDS/2 Connect's Find Connection tool makes it easy to locate failed or user connections in the Revit Structure model. Users can quickly locate specific connection types, connections with a range of loads applied, or even a combination of these criteria. A parameter that works in conjunction with Revit's View filters allows users to color code the model and easily find members with failed connections.
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