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« Autodesk Revit Structure 2011 Web Update 1 is now available | Main | CSC Revit Structure Integration software for Autodesk® Revit® Structure 2011 is now available »

July 08, 2010


Adam Sheather

Do we have a timeframe when this will appear in the subscription list??

Download still shows orignal extension dated April.

David Kingham

Same here, I don't see it in subscription...

Wai Chu

Hi Adam and David,

From my understanding this Composite Desgin Extension should already be included inside the Revit Extensions 2011 package (545MB) for Revit Structure 2011 product which is available in Subscription Center in April 2010. After the install, under the Extensions Manager you should be able to find it in Robot Structural Analysis category.

Can you double check?

Carlos Avila

Hi! I use AutoCAD Structural Detailing 2010, i'm an student, my first time, i follow instruction on manual of this product, but accidentally click on ASD PROYECT and i wann click and ASD STEEL CLASSIC, so i close this draw but news draw or project not change to ADS STEEL CLASSIC, how can i change this issue?

bathroom vanities

Specific applications of the extensions include: conceptual review of floor framing options, detailed design of new steel framed floors, and analysis of existing floor systems.

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