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June 25, 2009


Allan Brown

The linked video does not appear to be showing anything. I get a blank screen when I look at it.

Wai Chu

Hi Allan, I suspect that you have some Codec missing in your computer as I can view it with no problem. Can you try to download some Video Codec to see if it can solve the problem? ex. http://www.techsmith.com/download/codecs.asp


"The architectural forms that engineers are being required to support are getting more complex."

Hmmm, interesting. Explain to us again how engineers are getting more complex structures with "slanted columns" to document, when us Revit Architecture users don't even have the ability to create them in the first place?

Wai Chu

Hi Chad, thanks for your comment and I do agree with you. Currently the Revit Architecture team and my Revit Structure team are working closely together on this. Hope we will be able to give users some good news in the near future.

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